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Be Your Own Boss: KiloGear Combines Fashion And Training

Be Your Own Boss: Combining Fashion & Training – Featuring Controlled F.O.R.C.E.’s Partner, KiloGear

A version of this KiloGear article was published in Skillset Magazine, featuring Controlled F.O.R.C.E.

“What if a military veteran tapped into his inner genius and created something that could combine fitness without hitting the gym and weighted spandex? I am talking about weighted workout clothing you could wear while you sit back and watch parents start fistfights at your local Chucky Cheese children’s birthday party. You can walk around the mall and build your beach body at the same time. Ok, not a beach bod, but you get the point. There is something authentic about this.

I cannot say that Trent Brown is the first person to think up or design weighted workout gear, nor will he be the last person to do it. But I genuinely dig what he has come up with.

Operator Approved Gear

SKILLSET: Can you tell us a little more about your Patriot line?

Trent Brown: Our new Patriot Line of weighted gear combines highly technical fabrics and our proprietary weight systems to train the modern-day tactical operator during training sessions and turn on-duty activities into fitness opportunities. 

We have configured this line to improve performance and protection on the job. We are committed to taking tactical operators to elite fitness and personal safety levels.

SKILLSET: Is your Patriot line of gear going to be the gear you offer to tactical training companies like Controlled F.O.R.C.E.? Or do you have something else in mind for that?

Trent Brown: KILOGEAR is excited to partner with Controlled F.O.R.C.E. We are working on configuring unique solutions and training regimens that implement our kick-ass gear. Our Patriot Line will be the base from which we evolve these solutions. 

We are also building a multi-tier certification process for trainers and operators to become KILOGEAR-Flow TACTICAL CERTIFIED. This will allow us to offer the most advanced weighted training gear in the world and “train the trainers” and operators on “best practices” with the gear.”

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